How To Run Python On A Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi can execute code written in a wide range of languages, given that the “Pi” in Raspberry Pi is a nod to the Python language itself and that it is a relatively easy to learn for the beginner, it’s a great place to start.
Cayenne and the Raspberry Pi
If writing software isn’t really your thing but you still want to create an interesting Internet of Things (IOT) project then using Cayenne and the Raspberry Pi is a great solution.
Raspbian Pixel User Interface
The Raspberry Pi foundation has recently released an upgrade to the User Interface (UI) for the Pi, it’s called PIXEL meaning “Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight”. The creator, Simon Long, says that this has been in the works for 2 years
Raspberry Pi Pool Monitor – Website
This Raspberry Pi pool monitor website makes controlling the associated Hydropi python code much easier. It will allow you to see current and average readings from multiple sensors, set relay timers and change settings. It will also provide you with
Hosting a Website on a Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is all about learning and education, hosting your own website right from your Pi can be a great way to learn more about creating your own webpages and the tools involved. If you haven’t already then the first step is to set
Relay Timer Using a MySQL Database
Using the libraries available in python creating timers using a MySQL database to manage relays connected to a Raspberry Pi is fairly straight forward. Creating a facility to override the timers and turn the relays on or off manually is also possible
Send Email with a Raspberry Pi and Python
Sending email with a Python program can be very useful when you want an alert, to receive a set of results or find out if a set of conditions have been reached among other things. To achieve this we need to create a python script that uses the smtplib…
Install PhpMyAdmin On A Raspberry Pi
This is a follow up to my previous instruction, configuring a Raspberry Pi web server which covers loading the Apache web server and MySQL database management. phpMyAdmin is a free tool that has been designed to allow for easy…
Configure A Raspberry Pi Web Server
Configuring a Raspberry Pi Apache server has the advantage of allowing you to host your own webpages. Out of the box Raspian does not have this configured to ensure that the operating system is as small as possible so we will need to add some
Connecting a Relay Board to a Raspberry Pi
Relays are an electromagnetic switch that allows you to control one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another circuit, on the Raspberry Pi the control circuit will be operated by our GPIO pins. A relay generally has 3 connection…