by Dominic | Aug 30, 2022 | Pool Monitor, Website
Pool Monitor Webpages This Raspberry Pi pool monitor website makes controlling the associated Hydropi python code much easier. It will allow you to see current and average readings from multiple sensors, set relay timers and change settings. It will also…
by Dominic | Jul 20, 2022 | Pool Monitor, Website
Raspberry Pi Website Hosting The Raspberry Pi is all about learning and education, hosting your own website right from your Pi can be a great way to learn more about creating your own webpages and the tools involved. If you haven’t already then the first…
by Dominic | Jun 12, 2022 | Pool Monitor, Website
Raspberry Pi and phpMyAdmin This post is a follow up to my previous instruction, configuring a Raspberry Pi web server which covers loading the Apache web server and MySQL database management system. phpMyAdmin is a free tool that has been designed to allow for…
by Dominic | Jun 6, 2022 | Pool Monitor, Website
Raspberry Pi LAMP Web Server Configuring a Raspberry Pi Apache Server has the advantage of allowing you to host your own webpages. Out of the box Raspian does not have this configured to ensure that the operating system is as small as possible so we will…